LVV Certfication

LVV Certification - How does it work?

Looking to have your vehicle certified for its modifications through AJF?
This info sheet will give a guide on what the process looks like and what to expect.
The complete LVV certification process does not happen in a day. It is a more thorough inspection than a WOF and has several components to it which can potentially take up to 2-4 weeks to go through depending on what modifications are being assessed and what remedial work is required.
Why so long?
There are at least 4 different businesses working together, each with their individual work loads that each have their own part to play in the process.
To be LVV certified, the vehicle must be in roadworthy condition, complete (not missing a tray or bonnet etc), and have all modifications completed prior to inspection. Any modifications to the vehicle will be inspected, and a vehicle cannot have just some items inspected, much the same as a WOF check doesn't look at just some sections.
Getting a cert done with us after we have completed some work to your vehicle:
After completion of any work or modifications to the vehicle, we will then book in a pre-cert WOF inspection. This is to highlight any “WOF Safety Items” which relate to steering, suspension and brakes, and is required by the LVV certifier. This is conducted by an independent third party.
If any changes to the suspension geometry have been made ( change of upper control arms, suspension lift, diff drop, solid axle conversion, etc), a wheel alignment report will be required prior to the LVV inspection. This is usually booked in at completion of the vehicle's modifications and is conducted by an independent third party.
The initial cert inspection takes a couple of hours from an independent LVV certifier.
As we work on more than one vehicle at time, we often make contact with the vehicle owner the following day after time is taken to assess any reasons for rejection and come up with solutions and questions we may need to present to you.
Please note that an LVV cert inspection is not a WOF and there are clear rules and procedures that MUST be followed.
Reasons for LVV cert rejection which relate to components we have not directly worked on are NOT covered in the inspection cost and are additional to this. Only items we have had a direct impact on are covered in the inspection cost.
We can sort these items out if you wish or, you’re welcome to rectify these items yourself. After the defects are taken care of and rectified, we then book in a recheck with the certifier. This booking, along with the other independent inspections, is made at the other businesses discretion as they too have other customers.
Once the LVV certifier is satisfied, he will issue a digital cert tag onto the vehicle. This is placed in a location he deems suitable and is not up to us to determine.
We have been asked on occasion by customers to attempt to deceive the certifier regarding some repairs/rectifications. Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES, will we attempt to subvert the integrity of the certification process.
The cert tag can take up to 5 working days to be registered and become “LIVE” once issued. Once live, pending any other WOF rejection items being rectified, the WOF recheck can take place and a WOF issued. Should you wish for WOF remedial work (if any required) to be done by yourself instead of AJF please let us know before your cert inspection.
After the vehicle has been certified, we will not adjust suspension (if adjustable suspension is fitted), or remove/refit other items from/to the vehicle which would immediately deem the vehicle non compliant with the certification issued. This is not recommended and is done thereafter AT YOUR OWN RISK.
Some common issues at cert inspection are:
  • Tyre poke (must be covered, no matter how little)
  • Tyre rub (must clear at all times during suspension cycle)
  • Modified bull bar fitted to airbag equipped vehicle
  • Brake performance/balance (rear brakes are often neglected)
  • Speedo reading inaccurately (bigger tyres causing inaccurate reading)
We hope this info sheet provides a good guide as to what to expect in the certification process when using AJF 4x4.
LVV Inspection with VTNZ WOF Check and Wheel Alignment - $1495 inc GST.
LVV Rechecks - $150 inc gst
Repair/Remedial work is not included in the above fees

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